Jan 3, 2021

Alpha Chi Omega Oklahoma State Hijinks: read your sisters' stories and share your own

What were the best nicknames you called your sisters and how did they come about?

When's the last time you saw a Gamma Epsilon Chapter sister in person? Who were you with, where were you, and what was the occasion? Do you have a photo from that day?

What do you remember about the top social event the year you graduated? Do you remember your date? Did you happen to marry them?

What was Alpha Chi known for during your time at Oklahoma State?

Read on to find out how other Gamma Epsilon Chapter of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae answered these questions. 

Sherrie Hinkle ‘64

Nicknames: I don’t remember anyone’s nicknames (although most people called me “Hink” — a short version of my last name).

Last time you saw a classmate: I still exchange Christmas cards with a couple of my sisters, but I haven’t actually seen any of them for at least a decade, probably much more.

Top social event: I don’t remember social events much, although I did go to all of them.  Interestingly, I did marry a fellow who graduated from Oklahoma State, but we did not date nor even know each other while we were at OSU.

I treasured my time at OSU and, of course, being in Alpha Chi Omega was part of the wonderful experience.  I enjoyed it immensely and it was immensely important while it lasted — but I always knew that I wanted to graduate from college and then go on to new and different things.  And I did — I left Oklahoma a few days after graduation, lived in California, lived (and travelled extensively) in Europe and finally ended up in New York City, where I still am.  So when I think about OSU and AXO, I am remembering something (sort of like my memories of high school) that is time and place specific. I do belong to the NYC alumnae chapter — Gamma Gamma — of AXO and participate in their events as much as possible.  I’ve met some lovely new friends from all over the country.  So in that way, AXO is a part of my current life, and one I enjoy.

Vivian Johnston '70

Nicknames: I don’t remember nicknames so much as I do remember what some sisters began calling me. My mother had always called me “Sweet Girl” and rather than calling me by my name, I was always her Sweet Girl. We had Mom’s weekend every year, and I would routinely take sisters to my small hometown of Fairfax so many got to know my parents quite well. It didn’t take long for “Sweet Girl” to stick, and several of the sisters still call me that to this day. Guess that qualifies as a nickname!

Last time you saw a classmate: Mary (Spicer) Jones ‘70 and I live about 45 minutes from each other in Colorado. We see each other often and have enjoyed a few trips together. I most recently saw Mary when she came to my home for Thanksgiving. We tried our best to wear masks, did social distance and worked to follow the COVID precautions. She has two dogs, and I have one so entertainment is never an issue. Mary and I were very close in the Alpha Chi house, I was maid of honor in her wedding in 1970 and we have remained friends, growing even closer now that we are both retired. I am in touch with many precious sisters on a regular basis. COVID has limited socialization, but we will resume our lifelong friendships as soon as the situation allows. In the meantime, calls, texts, emails, letters and Zoom have helped keep us connected.

Melinda Carson

So, way back in the 60’s, there were several of us that visited a sister, Karen Anderson, in Heavener, OK.  We had given her a really hard time about the size of the town, there was only one stop light, but it was a charming town and we had a wonderful time visiting and going to the local lake, which was beautiful.  While having a great afternoon, we started writing a new Rush song.  Let’s face it, we were programmed Alpha Chi no matter where we went.  The song was ”Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay. Um diddle diddle diddle um diddle ay….. part of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”. Our AX version…..”Welcome to our house today, we’re oh so glad to see you…..etc.”)  I think that song way outlived our time in the house.  Who can say when a silly song written by silly sisters will stick?  It was one of many happy days in Gamma Epsilon.

Want to share your own stories? Click here to submit your answers to the questions above. We’ll publish your response in a future alumnae e-letter! If you have a picture to share, email it to alumninews@affinityconnection.com with the subject line “Alpha Chi Omega Oklahoma State Photos.”