Jun 9, 2021

Alumnae Profile: Tana Stufflebean Init Year '61

Thanks to Tana Stufflebean Init Year '61 for answering our survey! We asked her about her favorite place to go in Stillwater, her favorite college tradition, and where life since Oklahoma State has taken her. Here's what she had to say:

Where was your favorite place to go in Stillwater, why was this place so special to you?

My favortie place was the AXO house or Student Union.

What was your favorite event, tradition, or activity to partake in during your college years? Why was it so important to you? Do you still engage with that event, tradition, or activity?

Homecoming Activity’s. We spent lots of time working on house decorating or floats with various fraternity guys. 

As an alum, what do you see as the most valuable part of your Alpha Chi experience?

Seeing OSU sorority friends at reunion parties, and basketball or football games. 

Share an update of what's new in your life (career highlights, family news, etc.) 

I got my PHD and taught Fashion Marketing at OSU for 14 years and at the University of Central Oklahoma for 14 years. I am married & we have 2 girls, and the Family continues to grow.

Would you like to let your sisters in on your answers to these questions? Email us at alumninews@affinityconnection.com and let us know!