Feb 24, 2021

Be a Part of the Conversation!

For many of us, Alpha Chi Omega is the source of most of our great Oklahoma State memories. For this reason, we want to hear from YOU! Keep the conversation going with your sisters and tell us what Alpha Chi Omega meant to you. See below what some of your fellow alumnae sisters had to say in response to recent surveys. 

“I’ve met some lovely new friends from all over the country.  So in that way, AXO is a part of my current life, and one I enjoy.” - Sherrie Hinkle64

Mary (Spicer) Jones ‘70 and I were very close in the Alpha Chi house, I was maid of honor in her wedding in 1970 and we have remained friends, growing even closer now that we are both retired. I am in touch with many precious sisters on a regular basis. COVID has limited socialization, but we will resume our lifelong friendships as soon as the situation allows. In the meantime, calls, texts, emails, letters and Zoom have helped keep us connected.” - Vivian Johnston '70

“Initiation was one of my favorite events. Such a special time to come together with sisters, being a part of so many years of tradition it’s such an amazing time and feeling.” - Chloe Schultz


What was your most meaningful memory or best lesson learned from Alpha Chi Omega? CLICK HERE and let us know!