May 18, 2021

Why Alpha Chi?

“Why Alpha Chi?”, a question many of you may have asked yourselves during your recruitment days, Alpha Chi undergrad sisters are now telling us why they chose Alpha Chi! Here is what sister Kaitlyn Redding PC ‘18 had to say on why she felt home with Alpha Chi Oklahoma State:

“My why alpha chi wednesday is because the double red doors are HOME! I would 100% say I am not the same person who walked through those doors 3 years ago. I have never found a place where each and every women pushes me to become a better version of myself. I have met some AMAZING women that I know will always support me and love me because I chose Alpha Chi Omega. I will forever cherish the incredible memories I have made here, and cannot wait to lead our chapter as a senior! I love Alpha Chi Omega more than I can describe and will forever be blessed with these women that were brought into my life! I love you Gamma Epsilon! LITB 🤍" - Kaitlyn Redding PC ‘18

What made you feel home at Alpha Chi Omega Oklahoma State? CLICK HERE to let us know and we will publish it in an upcoming e-letter!