Aug 20, 2020

Help us Find Missing Sisters

As Oklahoma State continues to issue announcements about fall semester in the face of COVID-19 our Alumnae association must make important decisions about the future of Gamma Epsilon. We need our Alumnae to remain informed and involved. 

For this reason, communication with our Sisters is critically important, even more than ever before.  

We’re missing contact information for members of Gamma Epsilon. You can help our Sisterhood stay strong and connected through these troubled times by providing missing contact information.  

With your help, we can ensure that Gamma Epsilon will emerge from this crisis and endure for generations to come. Together, as Sisters we will overcome.  

Check out our list of lost Sisters, and if you can provide any missing contact information, email our alumni communications partner, Affinity Connection, at 

CLICK HERE to view Alumnae who are missing emails 

CLICK HERE to view Alumane who are missing mailing addresses