Sep 12, 2022

Here is how the sisterhood benefits if we all stepped up.  

With the beginning of a new school year comes a new class of Alpha Chi Omega sisters. Needless to say, our sisterhood is constantly growing!   

Thanks to donations of both time and money by our sisters and alumni, we are able to keep the sisterhood strong throughout the years. We have put together a list of benefits that sisters, current and future, are able to enjoy when we choose to give back.  

  1. Networking: Sororities have the ability to form connections like no other group. With members of all ages and stages of life, there is always a sister with the knowledge needed to help in any situation. A good chapter always keeps in touch with their alumni.
  2. Lifelong Friends: Not only are they able to help, but sisters are able to form a special bond through shared traditions. After countless professional and social events spent together, connections like these are often strong enough to last a lifetime. 
  3. Professional Skills: Not only does the sorority help us form bonds, but it teaches us vital skills that will be crucial to future career success. Many alumni site these skills as their top reason for giving back to the sorority! 
  4. Social Events: No matter how old you are, revisiting the old ‘stomping grounds’ to meet up with your old college friends is always a good time! With the Gamma Epsilon Chapter, there will always be a group back at Oklahoma State University to visit. Whether it be homecoming, a football game, or an alumni reunion, Gamma Epsilon Chapter alumni and sisters are present.  

It is time we thank the sorority for all it has done for us. We give so that future generations can experience the same great benefits of sisterhood!