Nov 25, 2020

4 Reasons Gamma Epsilon Still Matters After Oklahoma State 

For many of us, Alpha Chi was an important part of our Oklahoma State experience. Whatever your key takeaways from your time at Oklahoma State, I think we can all agree on this: Gamma Epsilon’s impact extends far beyond our brief time at the chapter house. 

Here are 4 reasons Gamma Epsilon still matters after you graduate, according to your fellow alumnae sisters. 

Leslie Barrett Init Year '82

"The most valuable part of Alpha Chi is my lifelong friends I have. Some of my very best and dearest friends that I could share anything with are my AXO sisters."

Michelle Hessman Init Year '88

"I have joined the Gamma Epsilon Advisor Team as the Membership Programming Advisor. I believe young women, and frankly, all women, need so much support to deal with the challenges of life today. Through volunteering, I'm able to connect with our current members, stay connected with sisters from my college years and make new connections with sisters who are volunteering along with me. Sisterhood is a lifelong experience for those who choose to engage. While not every sister can give her time, I encourage all sisters to stay engaged in Alpha Chi Omega in whatever way she can."

Kristen Short Init Year '91

"My most valuable experience was the forever friendships I made. I had 41 sisters in my pledge class and I keep in touch with at least half of them to this day. 5 of us are still the very best of friends and we travel together and do life together. I wouldn’t trade our friendship nor memories for anything!"

Chloe Schultz Init Year '02

"The Friends and connections made during my time at OSU and being a part of Alpha Chi have lasted to this day. My best friends who are family were girls I met during my years at AXO. This is by far the more valuable part of my Alpha Chi experience."

Do you have your own AXO story to share? Send it to our Alumnae Relations Partner at and we’ll include it in our next e-letter.