Feb 22, 2022

Register for the 75th Anniversary Celebration!

Sisters, we are beyond excited to see all of you at the upcoming 75th anniversary celebration! The time has come to register for your spot at the event! Please see the details below on how you can save your spot, we look forward to seeing you all there, to re-connect in person, and reminisce on better days.
  1. Invitations have been sent through the mail, but we have an online link that is up and running where you can register for tickets. CLICK HERE to reigsiter for your ticket! One drink coupon is included with each ticket, other drinks will be available for purchase a the event. 
  2. On the website there is also an option to purchase an additional ticket for an active member to attend. 
  3. Dress code will be cocktail attire.
  4. We are in need of pictures for the slide show! Any pictures of you and your sisters throughout the years. Date parties, Mom/Dot, graduation, vacation, weddings, babies, and everything in between. Please email pictures to: axhousecorp.ge@gmail.com
  5. We are also looking for donation items for the silent auction. These can be items to give away, or for places/events in Tulsa, OKC, or Stillwater! If you’re interested or have suggestions please email: axhousecorp.ge@gmail.com
The Gala is also the same weekend as Calf Fry, so room reservations are going quick. We would suggest booking a room as soon as you are able!