May 18, 2021

The Benefits of Sisterhood

As you know, being a part of a sorority offers more than just a social experience—as Sisters, we gained a sense of community, a place to call home, preparation for post-grad life, and the life-changing, lifelong benefits of friendship, leadership, and shared values.  

  • What do 85% of the executives of Fortune 500 companies and 80% of United States Presidents since 1900 have in common? According to Fraternity Advisor, they were all members of Greek organizations during college. 
  • Fraternity and sorority membership helps young men and women cultivate leadership skills, gain a sense of social identity, and learn to work well with others. Fraternities and sororities not only offer the context to develop these skills but, just as importantly, can often help students work toward future internships and job opportunities. Employers like seeing the documented leadership experience that sorority life can provide.   
  • Networking is an integral part of the college experience and Greek life provides one of the strongest foundations for social interfacing with a network of peers. Greek organizations help build networks that often prove beneficial to students when looking for internships, employment, recommendations, or employees. 

“Through volunteering, I'm able to connect with our current members, stay connected with sisters from my college years, and make new connections with sisters who are volunteering along with me.  Sisterhood is a lifelong experience for those who choose to engage.  While not every sister can give her time, I encourage all sisters to stay engaged in Alpha Chi Omega in whatever way she can.”

  “Alpha Chi Omega takes young girls and shapes them into functioning adults through leadership in the sorority, charity work within the community, and networking for post-grad life. Greek life is an essential part of any collegiate system.”  

Collecting personal testimonials about the sorority experience is important to our legacy. CLICK HERE and let us know how the benefits of sorority impacted your life.