Oct 15, 2020

The Impact of Alpha Chi Omega at Oklahoma State

In last month’s e-letter, we sent out a survey to our Gamma Epsilon Alumnae. Now, we’d like to thank those who answered and share their responses with you! Here are your sisters’ responses. If you’d like to weigh in yourself, email us at alumninews@affinityconnection.com and we’ll include it in our next e-letter!

What kind of impact did Gamma Epsilon make on your life after Oklahoma State? Friendships? The leadership you learned at the house? Something else? What's stuck with you? Weigh in!

Rebecca Robinson
"I have been super grateful to AXO sisters who have kept in touch with me through the years as I journey around the world. I'm not able to attend events at OSU, but l do live vicariously through those who do attend. One day I'll be at Homecoming, it's my goal! My AXO sisters are very dear to my heart, despite not seeing them for decades."