Sep 9, 2021

Undergrad Spotlight: Haley Hammons PC’19

Cathc up with our undergrad Haley Hammons PC’19 and see what she had to say about why she chose Alpha Chi. Here is what sister Haley Hammons PC’19 had to say on why she felt home with Alpha Chi Oklahoma State:

“Throughout my time in this chapter, I’ve grown to realize that the place I ran home to wasn’t just a sorority but it was actually my home. From my first day to now, I have been surrounded by the most thoughtful, strong, genuine, and EMPOWERING WOMEN! This chapter is more than just the people you meet but it’s about the experiences we share together. It’s safe to say my best moments in college this far were shared alongside my sisters, and I cannot wait to see what the next 2 years bring!! My sisters are my people and I’m so blessed to share this lifelong bond with them. LITB ALWAYS” -Haley Hammons PC’19

What made you feel home at Alpha Chi Omega Oklahoma State? CLICK HERE to let us know and we will publish it in an upcoming e-letter!