Jun 7, 2021

Why Alpha Chi?

“Why Alpha Chi?”, a question many of you may have asked yourselves during your recruitment days, Alpha Chi undergrad sisters are now telling us why they chose Alpha Chi! Here is what sister Kaley Allen PC ‘18 had to say on why she felt home with Alpha Chi Oklahoma State:

“As a girl who never went through formal recruitment, I had a whole semester to make friends and learn about Greek life from the outside looking in. My first semester was so telling, and I met so many Alpha Chi’s who genuinely wanted to be my friend (despite not being affiliated). Soon enough, I found myself yearning to be apart of an organization that was bigger than me, where I could continue to build off of the friendships I had already made. Spring of my freshman year I finally went through COB, and it was the best decision I’ve ever made. Some of the most amazing people I met in the Fall of 2018 that made me dream of going Alpha Chi were Jorja Yowell, Meredyth Morris and several members who have now graduated. I love who I’ve become, and I couldn’t have grown this much in college without the women in this sisterhood supporting me every step of the way. LITB” -Kaley Allen PC ‘18

What made you feel home at Alpha Chi Omega Oklahoma State? CLICK HERE to let us know and we will publish it in an upcoming e-letter!