Jul 1, 2020

Why Gamma Epsilon?

You already know the impact Greek life has—because you lived it. The term ‘social sorority’ might give the impression that the Greek experience is superficial. But research shows that personal connections and friendships are the key to happiness.  

These lifelong relationships are only part of what makes the sorority experience so transformational. From our career trajectories to our family’s values, our Gamma Epsilon experience played a key role. Our experiences helped make us into the people we are today.  

If you want to share your own Greek experience with us, CLICK HERE to take our survey!

Here is what your Sisters had to say.

"The most valuable part of my Gamma Epsilon experience was building lifelong relationships! I know that sounds cliche, but it’s true. I am still very close with sisters who were in the house when I was, way back in the 80’s. - Kim Mullins ‘91

"The most valuable part of my Gamma Epsilon experience was the friendships I made while at school." - Mary Ruth Sizemore Waldrep ‘47 

"I loved the support I got from Gamma Epsilon Sisters while I was in college and the friendships and relationships we've had as alums." - Lee Roberts Denney ‘72 

"The lessons learned from transitioning from a high schooler living at home with my parents to coexisting with a group of women and being self-sufficient was a growth opportunity for us all. We learned how to respectfully disagree and work together to resolve issues. This is an integral part of growing up under the loving guidance of Mom Jane." - Christina Collins ‘04

"The most valuable part of my Gamma Epsilon experience was the lifetime friends I made. 

The pledge sisters and alumna members I am in touch with are very supportive of each other both in person and on social media. I see lots of Facebook comments sharing each other's successes and sadness over each other's losses." - Gina Nigro Miller ‘83 

"The friends I made in Gamma Epsilon, I've now had for 54 years." - Mary Spicer Jones ‘70

"The most valuable part of my Gamma Epsilon experience is the lasting friendships for 62 years and the leadership training and experience. My Alpha Chi days are among the happiest of my life." - Helen Caron Shields ‘58   

"The most valuable part of my sisterhood is exactly that - sisterhood. I created the best, loving and long lasting relationships with my pledge sisters that I cherish. Sisters outside my pledge class as well." - Kristen Kelih Short  

"Gamma Epsilon gave me valuable leadership building skills, as I was able to take on leadership roles while at Gamma Epsilon. The other valuable part of my experience is my lifelong friendships with sisters!" - Stacie Paciotti  

Here is an eBook of some of the best responses to recent a survey of Greek communities across the country. These quotes illustrate why Greek life is and will remain a key part of the higher education experience. Click HERE to read the eBook.