Jun 2, 2022

Without Alpha Chi Omega, I wouldn’t have…

Through everything we experience in life, we take something from each moment. Our college years can be some of the most influential years of our lives, and through each experience and moment, we had Alpha Chi Omega to fall back on. We recently talked to Alpha Chi Omega sisters, here's what they told us they wouldn't have if it weren't for Alpha Chi Omega.


“Without Alpha Chi Omega, I wouldn’t have the best memories.”  

“Without Alpha Chi Omega, I wouldn’t be as happy as I am today… My best friends to this day are sisters. I am proud to tell people I was a Alpha Chi Omega. Being a member opened my world to others that came from different backgrounds than myself.“  

“Without Alpha Chi Omega, I wouldn’t know some of the greatest ladies I have ever met. The group of friends I made are still a huge part of my life.”