
May 16, 2022

Welcome the newest grads to Alumnae Sisterhood! 

It is with great honor that we announce the newest sorority alums! Join us in welcoming them to the alumnae sisterhood!

May 9, 2022

Gina Miller '83 recalls the funniest story from their time in the house

Thanks to Gina Miller '83 for answering our most recent question of the month! She recalled the funniest story from her time in the house. Check out what she said!

May 5, 2022

Question of the Month

What sister or group of sisters made the most impact on your time at Oklahoma State University? Why? Have a photo to share? Head to the link and send it in! 

Apr 11, 2022

Meet Our Undergrad President!

“Alpha Chi Omega has been the biggest blessing in my college experience. I am inspired everyday by the individuals we have within our organization, they push me to be better day in and day out." Click "Read More" to see what else Hannah had o say!

Apr 11, 2022

We can't wait to see you at the 75th!

We are excited to celebrate with you the 75th Anniversary of the Alpha Chi Omega, Gamma Epsilon chapter.  Click "Read More" for the details and timeline!

Mar 31, 2022

Question of the Month

What is a funny story you remember from your time in Alpha Chi Omega? As always, photo evidence is always welcome! 

Mar 31, 2022

And the best hangout spot at the house was…..

In our last question of the month, we asked you what you thought the best hangout spot was at the house. Check out what your sisters said!

Mar 11, 2022

Why Alpha Chi?

“Why Alpha Chi?”, a question many of you may have asked yourselves during your recruitment days, Alpha Chi undergrad sisters are now telling us why they chose Alpha Chi! Click “Read More” to see why Autumn Garlock  chose Alpha Chi, and learn how you can submit your own story for “Why Alpha Chi?”.

Mar 11, 2022

Help Connect Us to Sisters from Your Decade

We want to keep each of you in touch with your brothers from your decade, but we need your help! We have some sisters who we have lost touch with over the years, and you can help us get back in contact.

Mar 3, 2022

Question of the Month

What was your favorite hangout when you were at Alpha Chi? Was it somewhere on campus, or another place nearby? We want to hear from you! As always, your sisters would love to reminisce with photos. 

Mar 1, 2022

Alpha Chi Omega Was Best Known For…

Feb 22, 2022

Register for the 75th Anniversary Celebration!

Sisters, we are beyond excited to see all of you at the upcoming 75th anniversary celebration! The time has come to register for your spot at the event! Click "Read More: for details on how you can save your spot! We look forward to seeing you all there, to re-connect in person, and reminisce on better days.

Feb 22, 2022

Undergrad Sister Update

Click "Read More" to to see what our undergrad sisters have been up to, it has been a busy, but exciting month for all!

Feb 18, 2022

Lifelong friends

When you’re in middle age, you start to realize how very much you need your friends. After decades of relentless striving — kids, house, career, spouse — we find ourselves coming up for breath at some point in these middle decades. And what remains? With any luck, our friends.

Feb 18, 2022

Why Alpha Chi?

“Why Alpha Chi?”, a question many of you may have asked yourselves during your recruitment days, Alpha Chi undergrad sisters are now telling us why they chose Alpha Chi! Click “Read More” to see why Keagan Engle chose Alpha Chi, and learn how you can submit your own story for “Why Alpha Chi?”.

Feb 3, 2022

Question of the Month

What was Alpha Chi Omega known for when you were in the house?

Jan 17, 2022

Jo Ann Compton '51 Recalls Memories

Thanks to Jo Ann for writing in this memory of a photo she wishes she still had. Click "Read More" and reminisce with your sisters.

Jan 14, 2022

Alpha Chi Omega’s New Year Resolution

How many of us set New Year's resolution goals each year, only to forget about them halfway through January? We know we are guilty of that! But this year our goal is to help Alpha Chi Omega sisters grow in your connection. Learn about some upcoming events and get some tips on how to stay better connected as we head into 2022.

Jan 13, 2022

Friends that have Lasted Lifetimes, All Thanks to Alpha Chi Omega

When we talk about Alpha Chi, some of the first things that may come to mind are the connections that were made through your years as an undergrad. We recently reached out to our alumnae sisters asking what those connections have meant to them over the years, read on to see what Kelly Longfellow '96 had to say.

Dec 3, 2021

Throwback to the Good Ole Days

Who doesn't love a good throwback photo? Well, we sure do have a throwback for you! Check out these photos Kristen Kelih Short recently sent in of Alpha Chi Omega from back in the day.

Nov 15, 2021

Homecoming Recap: AXO Wins Big!

We are thankful for all our alumni and their families who stopped by the chapter house for a cookie and a house tour during Walk Arounds.

Nov 15, 2021

Alpha Chi Omega is thankful for you

With the giving season upon us we want to thank each of you for your commitment to the sorority. Whether it be encouraging messages or time spent volunteering, we are thankful for your support in more ways than one.

Nov 10, 2021

Throwback to the Good Ole Days

Who doesn't love a good throwback photo? Well, we sure do have some throwbacks for you! Check out these photos Jackie Thorn Durham recently sent in of Alpha Chi Omega from back in the day.

Oct 27, 2021

Homecoming Traditions

With Homecoming this weekend, we are reminiscing on some of our favorite Homecoming traditions! Take our poll below and see what your sisters think was the best tradition!